Course Syllabus
Marketing Fall Semester, 2015
Mrs. Heather H. Huffman, MA, Instructor Room 514
Contact Information: Planning: 11:32-1:33
(828)-241-3171 ext. 5514
Remind: @bhsmkt15
Course Description: Marketing students develop an understanding of the processes involved from the creation to the consumption of products/services. Students develop an understanding and skills in the areas of distribution, marketing-information management, market planning, pricing, product/service management, promotion, and selling. Students develop an understanding of marketing functions, applications, and impact on business operations. Mathematics and social studies are reinforced.. An End of Course CTE Post-assessment is required and serves as the final exam! DECA (an association for Marketing Education students) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills they have learned through authentic experiences. All students are highly encouraged to join DECA!
Required Materials: 1 Three-prong folder, straight-edge loose-leaf notebook paper, pen (blue or black only), pencils
*other supplies may be needed for special projects (as time allows) ***
Classroom needs: Clorox Wipes, boxes of Kleenex, paper towels, and GermX
Grading Policy: 1. Nine weeks grade:
Projects 35%
Tests 25%
Quizzes 15%
Classwork 10%
Semester Project 15%
2. Semester grade:
Final exam 20%
First nine weeks grade 40%
Second nine weeks grade 40%
Grading Scale: 100-90=A
89-80= B
79-70= C
69-60= D
<=59= F
Field Trips: Field trips may or may not be taken throughout the semester depending on your behavior and participation as a class. To be a participant on a field trip one must be have a C or above in this class and not hold debt with BHS including: overdue library books, cafeteria, etc. One must also adhere to all other school rules concerning field trips! If field trips are taken there will typically be a field trip fee. If you have financial need concerning the field trip fee please let me know!
Learning Environments: We will utilize our Canvas Classroom to provide a hybrid learning environment! Google Drive should be used to store ALL documents for this class.
Late/Missed Work: If an assignment is due on the date you are absent, it is due the DAY YOU RETURN! You do not get additional time to complete assignments assigned prior to an absence. Make-up work may be made up at home or school. Tests and quizzes must be made up before school, during lunch, or after school depending upon schedule. No make-up work will be accepted for a grade after 5 school days upon return to school.
Tutoring/Additional Help: Students should see me to schedule additional help. This will typically be provided each morning beginning at 7:30 AM, except Wednesdays!
Please return this syllabus prior to Friday, August 14, 2015! A copy of this information is available via my website at:
By signing below I, ___________________________ (Print Students Name) am stating that I have read the course syllabus and procedures. I agree to be an active participant and complete all assignments to the best of my ability. I understand that this course will require some use of the internet. It is my responsibility to ensure that if I do not have access to the internet that I use the school media center, public libraries, or other resources within the timelines given for an assignment.
_____ (Initial) I give permission for my work and name to be displayed on a class webpage and public displays as an example of outstanding work.
Student Signature _______________________________ Date ________
Parent Signature ________________________________ Date ________
Room 514 Classroom Procedures
Beginning Class:
- Bring only items needed for class.
- Sharpen pencil if needed.
- Sit in assigned seat and place personal items next to table; out of the aisle.
- 1st period should take all chairs off tables.
- Must be in seat, not coming through the door!
- Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action per the student handbook.
Returning after an Absence
- Check calendar and Class Canvas
- Ask neighbor questions.
- Ask teacher for help, it is YOUR responsibility to ask for make-up work not mine to give it to you!
- Assignments turned in late should be written on the Make-up Board located by the printers!
Expected Behavior
- See whiteboard for daily objective.
- Stop talking when the tardy bell rings.
- Begin warm-up or take out work in progress.
- Answer by saying “Hello, Mrs. Huffman’s room”.
- Do not be rude or make unnecessary comments.
- Don’t fight over answering the phone.
- Continue to work quietly.
- Only address a visitor if told to do so or asked a question.
Leaving the Room
- Ask for permission.
- Obtain a proper pass.
- 1st period takes a bathroom break at 9:00!
- 2nd period takes bathroom break at 10:45!
- 4th period takes bathroom break at 2:35!
During Class:
Whole-Group Work
- Raise your hand for help.
- Listen and participate.
- Only work on assignments for this
Individual/Small-Group Work
- Talk quietly.
- Actively participate and don’t waste time!
- Raise your hand for help.
- Leave work areas clean and neat!
Using Materials
- Ask first!
- Only use what you need, don’t waste!
- Return materials to appropriate storage areas!
- My desk and computer desk are off limits unless you ask FIRST!
Cell Phone Usage
- Phones should be out of sight (not in lap) when direct instruction is taking place!
- Phones should ALWAYS be set to vibrate/silent.
- Phones may be used during individual & group work time as long as it does not become a distraction to you and your classmates to complete assignments.
- Phones may be used to listen to music as long you have your own headphones (I will NOT provide them) and your classmates or myself cannot hear your music!
Ending Class:
Room Management
- Put away materials.
- Clean all personal work areas.
- Trash should be placed in trash can and/or recycle bin. NOT in the holes on the computer desks!
- Complete all tasks assigned.
Leaving class
- Assignments should be placed neatly in appropriate tray after you have been dismissed or turned in on Canvas before logging off.
- Push chairs under tables neatly.
- 4th period should place chairs on table tops neatly.
- The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell! Don’t line up!!!!
Projected Schedule of Study:
Dates |
Obj |
Topic |
8/25-10/9 |
A |
8/25-9/10 |
1.00 |
Understand marketing, career opportunities, market planning, and foundation of marketing-information management. |
8/25-8/27 |
1.01 |
Understand marketing’s role and functions in business to facilitate economic exchanges with customers. (MK:001), (MK:002) |
8/28-9/1 |
1.02 |
Understand career opportunities in marketing to make career decisions. (PD:024) |
1.03 |
Read to acquire meaning from written material and to apply the information to a task. (CO:057) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
9/1-9/4 |
1.04 |
Employ marketing-information to develop a marketing plan. (MP:001), (MP:003) |
9/8-9/10 |
1.05 |
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope. (IM:012), (IM:184) |
1.06 |
Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively. (CO:133) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
9/11-10/9 |
2.00 |
Understand selling, customer relations and product management. |
9/11-9/15 |
2.01 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. (SE:017), (SE:076) |
2.02 |
Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image. (CR:004), (CR:005), (CR:019), (CR:006) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
9/16-9/18 |
2.03 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. (SE:932) |
2.04 |
Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image. (CR:007) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
2.05 |
Resolve conflicts with/for customers to encourage repeat business. (CR:009), (CR:010) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
9/18-9/23 |
2.06 |
Apply quality assurances to enhance product/service offerings. (PM:019), (PM:020) |
9/24-9/28 |
2.07 |
Reinforce company’s image to exhibit the company’s brand promise. (CR:001), (CR:002) |
9/29-10/1 |
2.08 |
Acquire product knowledge to communicate product benefits and to ensure appropriateness of product for the customer. (SE:062), (SE:109) |
10/5-10/7 |
2.09 |
Understand sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales. (SE:048) |
2.10 |
Employ sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales. (SE:110), (SE: 111), (SE:114) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
10/7-10/9 |
2.11 |
Process the sale to complete the exchange. (SE:116) |
2.12 |
Process the sale to complete the exchange. (SE:009), (SE:835) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
10/12-1/6 |
B |
10/12-11/13 |
3.00 |
Understand product/service management, pricing and channel management. |
10/12-10/19 |
3.01 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of product/service management to understand its nature and scope. (PM:001), (PM:024), (PM:039), (PM:040) |
3.02 |
Apply quality assurances to enhance product/service offerings. (PM:017) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
10/19-10/21 |
3.03 |
Employ product-mix strategies to meet customer expectations. (PM:003) |
10/27-10/29 |
3.04 |
Position products/services to acquire desired business image. (PM:042), (PM:021) |
3.05 |
Position company to acquire desired business image. (PM:206) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
10/30-11/9 |
3.06 |
Develop a foundational knowledge of pricing to understand its role in marketing. (PI:001), (PI:015), (PI:016), (PI:017), (PI:002) |
11/10-11/17 |
3.07 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of channel management to understand its role in marketing. (CM:001), (CM:002), (CM:003), (CM:004) |
3.08 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of channel management to understand its role in marketing. (CM:005), (CM:006) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
3.09 |
Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively. (CO:039) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
11/17-1/6 |
4.00 |
Understand promotion, marketing-information management, and selling |
11/17-12/2 |
4.01 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of promotion to understand its nature and scope. (PR:001), (PR:002), (PR:003), (PR:099), (PR:100), (PR:101) |
12/2-12/4 |
4.02 |
Understand promotional channels used to communicate with targeted audiences. (PR:007) |
4.03 |
Understand promotional channels used to communicate with targeted audiences. (PR:247), (PR:089) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
12/7-12/9 |
4.04 |
Understand promotional channels used to communicate with targeted audiences. (PR:249), (PR:250) |
4.05 |
Write internal and external business correspondence to convey and obtain information effectively. (CO:040) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
12/9-12/11 |
4.06 |
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope. (IM:001) |
4.07 |
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope. (IM:025) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
12/14-12/16 |
4.08 |
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope (IM:183) |
4.09 |
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope (IM:419) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
4.10 |
Understand marketing-research activities to show command of their nature and scope. (IM:010), (IM:282) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
4.11 |
Understand marketing-research design considerations to evaluate their appropriateness for the research problem/issue. (IM:284), (IM:281), (IM:285) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
12/16-12/18 |
4.12 |
Understand data-collection methods to evaluate their appropriateness for the research problem/issue. (IM:289) |
1/4-1/6 |
4.13 |
Understand data-collection methods to evaluate their appropriateness for the research problem/issue. (IM:418), (IM:286) |
4.14 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. (SE:828) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
1/4-1/6 |
4.15 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. (SE:106) |
4.16 |
Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. (SE:107), (SE:108) (SUPPLEMENTAL) |
*Course Schedule may change at any time!*
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |