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Jones - Technological Design - TE122X0TD - S2 - 180340
Classroom Rules 1. Work safely at all times. No exceptions. Follow all safety rules. 2. No horseplay of any kind at any time. Refer to rule #1. 3. No talking in class unless given permission. When you speak, it should relate to the subject. Absolutely no talking while the teacher is talking. 4. Write plainly. If the teacher can’t read the answer, you missed the question. 5. The throwing of any object will result in disciplinary action or suspension. Do not move the chairs, tables, or equipment in the room. The objects in the room are placed where they are for a reason. 7. The school system has provided us some pretty nice equipment to use for learning. We need to protect it. It has to last. The taking, borrowing, stealing or destruction of any object in this classroom will not be tolerated. 8. Do your own work. Do not plagiarize. Cheating on any test, paper, project, homework or assignment of any kind will result in a zero (that cannot be made up) and/or further disciplinary action. 9. All school policies and regulations are to be observed at all times. Especially cell phone use during class. Learn to unplug. Due to confidential information and other valuables stored there, students are not to go into Mr. Jones’s computer or office. This is a serious matter and disciplinary action will be taken if this is violated.