Browser Troubleshooting

Review the list of suggestions below for tips on troubleshooting an issue with Canvas and the web browser. 

I Can't Login to Canvas

All of the web services available to students use the same User ID and Login. Confirm that you can login into other Lake Land College services such as the Laker Hub Links to an external site. and Email Links to an external site.. If you cannot login to these services as well, contact the Center for password reset at 217-234-5439. If you can login to these services, the issue may be with your Internet connection or computer. The first thing to check is to make sure you are at the correct location. Many institutions use Canvas so if you Google Canvas Login you will get several hits in the search results. Be sure you are at the Lake Land College Canvas Login page. The web address is and the login page is branded with the Lake Land Logo.


How to Clear the Browser Cache

It may be helpful to clear the browser cache of temporary Internet files. Review the steps below for the browser you are currently using.

Canvas Says My Browser is Not Supported

Review the Technical Requirements page for technical specifications and links to download another browser. Below are instructions on installing browsers on the computer.

I'm Having Trouble Viewing Content

Newer versions of web browsers may block mixed content. What is mixed content? The Canvas modules and rich content editor allows instructors  to embed content from other sites. Canvas exists on a secure server (HTTPS://) and much of the content that can be embedded does not exist on secure server (HTTP://). (1) When unsecured content is embedded on web page that exists on a secure server the browser software will invoke security settings to warn users of mixed content. The content will be blocked and you may see a blank space where the content should display. (2) If the content is in a module you can click the link above the content to view it in a new window.


What browsers block mixed content? 

Each browser handles this differently. See the images below to see how it appears in each browser.  

How it appears in Firefox

In Firefox every time you refresh the page you may need to allow the blocked content again. 


How it appears in Chrome

Click the shield icon to allow the content. The HTTPS will be crossed out during your session noting that you allowed mixed content. 


How it appears in Internet Explorer

Note! In Internet Explorer the shield icon does not display in the address bar. A message will appear at the bottom of the page. Click Show all content to see the embedded content. 


None of This Helps! What Should I Do?

Please visit the Getting Help With Canvas page.